Thursday, May 27, 2010

Concepts to Review for SS CST

Early Humans/ Stone Age people

Ancient Mesopotamia

Ancient Hebrews

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Greece

Original Homo-Sapiens living in Africa

First to use irrigation

First to believe in Monotheism

First to have religious ideas of eternal life

First to create democracy

Slash-and-Burn agriculture

First permanent settlements

Ten Commandments

Writing of hieroglyphics

Political system based on independent city-states

Mammoth bone huts

Hammurabi’s Code


The Great Pyramids

Mountainous terrain

Communicated with ideograms on rocks

First code of laws and punishments

First to teach about morals and ethics, or doing right from wrong

Hieroglyphics written on Rosetta Stone

Homer’s Illiad and Odyssey


Writing of cuneiform

Torah- the Jewish Scripture

Only woman pharaoh, Hatshepsut

First to create a political process based on citizenship

Synagogues develop and spread Judaism

Creator of the root words we still use today, such as herculean, and labyrinth

Ten Plagues

United into one empire by Alexander the Great

Exodus of Jewish people from Egypt

Plague of Athens


Ancient India

Ancient China


Emperor Shi Huangdi

Bay of Bengal

Era of the Warring States

Indus River Valley

Isolated from the rest of the world


Tibetan Plateau


Great Wall of China

Caste System


The god Brahman


Siddhartha Gautama and the Middle Way


Asoka, the first ruler to spread Buddhism


Bhagavad Gita

Ancestor Worship

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Do you know how to use this "Scholar Speak"?

Academic Language Found on the CST

Represent- stand for
Intended- planned
Sense- feel
Editorial- writing with a perspective/viewpoint
Sources- places of information
Evidence- proof
Sympathy- understanding
Create- make
Achieve- accomplish
Contrasts- differs
Passage- piece of writing
Contributions- offerings
Flourish- grow
Tremendous- incredible
Transition- changeover/ shift
Visualize- to picture
Descriptive- expressive/ vivid
Seek- to look for
Permission- go-ahead/ agreement
Suggest- recommend
Authorize- allow
Acknowledgement- recognition
Effects- results
Implies- means
Realistic- factual/ based on the truth
Relates- connects/ interacts
Sequence of events- order of events
Resulted- caused
Topics- subjects
Obtained- got
Conflicts- problems
Intended- meant
Hinder- prevent
Lack- not have
Consequences- result/ outcome/ effect
Strongest support- strongest backup
Submit- agree to/ or turn in
Inspire- encourage
Version- type
Appropriate- fitting
Examination- investigation/ or test
Debate- discussion/ arguement
Quotation- citation/ line/ passage
Mocking- disrespectful/ making fun of
Continuous- nonstop
Suggest- recommend
Protect- defend
Incorrect- wrong
Serves- works/ acts
Illustration- example/ picture
Phenomenon- event/ occurrence
Obtain- to get
Capture- to summarize
Unique- one of a kind
Qualities- characteristics/ features/ traits
Unfortunate- unlucky
Organizational pattern- way of organizing something
Stimulating- inspiring/ exciting
Complicated- difficult/ complex
Descriptive- expressive/ vivid
Stanzas- paragraph in a poem
Theme- main idea or topic
Tone- feel
Complex sentence- two or more clause (part) sentence
Simple sentence- one clause (part) sentence

Tuesday, May 4, 2010