Early Humans/ Stone Age people | Ancient Mesopotamia | Ancient Hebrews | Ancient Egypt | Ancient Greece |
Original Homo-Sapiens living in Africa | First to use irrigation | First to believe in Monotheism | First to have religious ideas of eternal life | First to create democracy |
Slash-and-Burn agriculture | First permanent settlements | Ten Commandments | Writing of hieroglyphics | Political system based on independent city-states |
Mammoth bone huts | Hammurabi’s Code | Moses | The Great Pyramids | Mountainous terrain |
Communicated with ideograms on rocks | First code of laws and punishments | First to teach about morals and ethics, or doing right from wrong | Hieroglyphics written on Rosetta Stone | Homer’s Illiad and Odyssey |
Cave-painting | Writing of cuneiform | Torah- the Jewish Scripture | Only woman pharaoh, Hatshepsut | First to create a political process based on citizenship |
| | Synagogues develop and spread Judaism | | Creator of the root words we still use today, such as herculean, and labyrinth |
| | Ten Plagues | | United into one empire by Alexander the Great |
| | Exodus of Jewish people from Egypt | | Plague of Athens |
| | | | Socrates |
Ancient India | Ancient China | |
Sub-continent | Emperor Shi Huangdi | |
Bay of Bengal | Era of the Warring States | |
Indus River Valley | Isolated from the rest of the world | |
Hinduism | Tibetan Plateau | |
Vedas | Great Wall of China | |
Caste System | Confucianism | |
The god Brahman | Daoism | |
Siddhartha Gautama and the Middle Way | Yin-and-Yang | |
Asoka, the first ruler to spread Buddhism | Dynasties | |
Bhagavad Gita | Ancestor Worship | |